Friday, October 12, 2012

EOC: Unethical Ads

American Apparel
This ad looks more like it would be a porn magazine rather than an ad for underwear. 
The model is only wearing underwear & she looks like she has either been abused or on drugs.
She looks ill & the whole ad does not attract in any way that is not sexually.
This ad is offensive for anyone with strict morals & to families that shop this brand.

Abercrombie & Fitch
This store's demographic is the young & they also have a line that is for small children.
For a parent or child to see this shopping bag will be unethical & offensive because it demonstrates a violent & sexual image.
If the store was only for adults then the matter would be different but when parents shop for their kids, this is definitely not what they want to see.

This ad would appear to be offensive to any woman because it is degrading. It is saying that it would be better to cheat on your woman rather than to go against your diet. It is pretty sexist & unfair.
To some men the ad might seem wise but if it would attract in any way, it would be notoriously.